Community Involvement in Decision-Making

The School Committee recognizes the following committees as examples of committees that influence decision-making and are comprised of various stakeholders. The School Committee encourages the creation of similar committees in order to ensure widespread involvement in decision-making.

  1. Partners in Education

  2. High School and Middle School Student Council

  3. Volunteer Advisory Committee

  4. Parent Organizations

  5. School Improvement Teams

  6. District Improvement Team

  7. Search Committee for Professional Vacancies

  8. Community Services

  9. Portland Arts and Technology High School Advisory Committee

  10. Affirmative Action Committee

  11. Technology Committee

  12. Casco Bay Educational Alliance

  13. Drop Out Prevention Committee

The School Committee may, from time to time, appoint citizen advisory committees to study matters pertaining to the educational problems of the school district, e.g., facilities study, capital improvement projects, etc. Such committees will deal with specific problems identified and recognized by school officials. The function and role of such committees will be clearly defined at the outset and will be considered fulfilled when the committee has made the final report through the Superintendent to the School Committee.

The School Committee encourages each school to convene public forums. The purpose of the forums will be to:

  1. Provide two-way communication between the school and community;

  2. Encourage involvement in current or controversial topics; and

  3. Provide response from the community as a basis for decision making.

Final selection for membership on advisory committees will be made by the School Committee. As a matter of basic policy, such committees shall be representative of the community as a whole and should, whenever possible, have members who live in the community and represent various interests.

Adopted: May 23, 1996