First Aid
First aid supplies are to be kept in a handy container marked“First Aid.”In case of an injury, every possible step must be taken to properly care for the injured student.
The building principal or his/her designee shall be notified of any student injury that necessitates parental contact. This includes any injury that takes place in the school building or on the school premises.
If any student is sent home or sees a physician due to an injury received at school, a written report of the injury will be completed. This accident report form will be sent to the Superintendent’s Office and a duplicate copy retained in the school files.
The student should not be sent home unless some responsible person in the household is there to receive him/her. In case the student is not able to go home unassisted, the principal shall require the parent to come for the student or shall provide proper supervision in seeing that the student is escorted safely home.
In the case of serious injury requiring the immediate attention of a physician, the following procedure shall be followed:
The school nurse shall be called immediately and the parent notified.
The student will be sent to the family physician on the instruction of the parent.
If the family physician is not available, the parent will make a decision regarding medical care.
If the parent and the family physician are not available, the principal or his/her designee will make whatever medical arrangements that seem necessary. Every reasonable attempt will be made to locate the parent.
The parent shall be responsible for any fees in connection with medical care listed above.
Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA§4009
Adopted: June 8, 1992
Revised: ________