Bomb Threat Administrative Procedure
A. During School Hours
a. When a message is received during school hours announcing that a bomb has been placed in a school, the person receiving the message shall notify the Principal and the Superintendent’s Office immediately. The Principal shall notify the police and the fire department.
b. The person receiving the call should try to keep the caller on the line and ask for specifics on location, time of detonation, description of the bomb and try to determine the caller’s age, sex and mental condition. If possible, have a second person call the telephone company to try to trace the call while it is in progress. The Phone Call Form and Caller’s Voice Form should be completed immediately.
c. The decision to evacuate or not to evacuate the building by fire drill or other methods shall be made by the Principal and the Superintendent in consultation with the police. Schools should not automatically be evacuated when warned. Police will help interpret the warning, but the decision to evacuate or not shall be the decision of the school administration.
d. If the building is evacuated and is to be searched, police and fire personnel shall do the searching with such assistance as requested by the police.
e. In evacuating the building, students and teachers will use the same exits and procedures as in fire drills. Students shall not be dismissed until it is determined whether or not to close the school(s). Teachers shall remain with their students and shall be responsible and accountable for them.
f. When students return to the building, the day’s schedule shall continue. Teachers will report to the office those students who are absent from class.
g. Lost time and classwork missed shall be made up at a date determined by the administration.
h. The Principal and/or the Superintendent shall cooperate fully with police in investigating bomb threats.
B. Before School Hours
a. In case a telephone call or other warning is made early in the morning, before arrival of the buses, the Superintendent will make a decision about the cancellation of school at a particular location or about late pick-up, and will make public announcements which seem advisable.
b. The police and fire department will be notified. The Superintendent in consultation with the police will determine whether or not to conduct a search.
c. The Superintendent will determine when to reopen the building.
Adopted: Prior to 1982
Revised: June 8, 1992; March 12, 2018