School Records to be Transferred to Next Grade Level
The following items are to be transferred to the next grade span and are to be maintained permanently:
Permanent student record card with essential student information (e.g. name, address, birthdate, etc.)
Permanent student record transcript (attendance, classes taken, grades, sports participation, Title I services, migrant services, vocational education)
Record of student education records released, including date and recipient
Adult Education/GED student records (names, grades, classes, attendance)
Kindergarten screening records (transfer to next grade level through end of grade 5)
The following items are to be transferred to the next grade span but need not be maintained permanently. Check the retention schedule (EHB-R2) for specific retention timelines.
Discipline records – substantive (i.e. detention, suspension, expulsion, behavior contracts)
Special education records
Student health record: accidents, illnesses, injuries, treatment, vaccinations, medications received
Student Assistance Team records – for individual students
Truancy records
Legal Reference:
5 M.R.S.A. § 91 et seq.
Maine State Archives Rule Chapter 10 (Rules for Disposition of Local Government Records)
Maine Department of Education Rule Chapter 125 (Basic School Approval Rules)
Cross Reference:
GBJ – Personnel Records
JRA – Student Education Records and Information
GCSA – Employee Computer and Internet Use
Adopted: May 14, 2015