Curriculum Development
A. Purpose
The School Committee recognizes its responsibility for providing the appropriate resources and professional development opportunities necessary for the continued improvement of the Learning Areas and related school improvement plans. The curriculum and assessment work of the Learning Areas and related school improvement plans shall be evaluated, adapted and developed on a continuing basis and in accordance with the guidelines established below.
B. Definition
For purposes of this policy, curriculum development shall refer to the curriculum and assessment work of the Learning Areas and shall be defined as all planned learning activities of the Yarmouth schools, such as:
The courses of study, subjects, classes and organized learning activities provided by the school; and
Formal classroom instruction and related out-of-class activities.
C. Authority
The School Committee is responsible for the final approval of all curricula revisions and other suggested changes. The School Committee expects the Change Model as specified in IGA-R to be followed before being asked to take action on any significant curricula changes. The School Committee directs that the curriculum of the Yarmouth schools be consistent with the most recent research both in learning theory and in the discipline being considered. The School Committee further directs that the curriculum of the Yarmouth School System encompass a sequential and coherent K-12 experience which will ensure the best possible education for students. The K-12 curricula should be consistent with the essential knowledge, skills and assessments as specified in Learning Area guidelines. The Learning Area guidelines shall form the framework around which teachers plan and determine their day-to-day activities.
D. Delegation of Responsibility
As the educational leader of the district, the Superintendent shall be responsible to the School Committee for continuous improvement of the curriculum and assessment work of the Learning Areas. The Superintendent shall establish processes to guide that improvement and will provide for effective participation of citizens, professional staff, support staff and students.
E. Access
The School Committee delegates the responsibility to the Superintendent to establish procedures to ensure that citizens, staff and students have access to information about the Learning Areas including expected student learning outcomes, instructional materials and assessment techniques.
Adopted: January 9, 1997
Revised: _______