Dangerous Student Behavior refers to actions or conduct of a student that presents a risk of injury or harm to a student or others. Such behavior requires immediate attention and intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved.

 If you believe you have been subjected to or observed dangerous student behavior, please complete this form and submit it to your building administrator as soon as practicable.

 Note: This form must be completed by a person with first-hand knowledge of the dangerous behavior or by a person assisting the person with first-hand knowledge of the behavior.

 Name of Person completing this form: ____________________________________

 Phone: ____________________                          Email:                _________________________

 Date of Report: _______________ Time:                             

 Name of individual directly involved, if different from the person completing this form:___________________________________________________________________

 Name(s) of student(s) or others involved:    ____________________                                                                        

 Was anyone injured? (please circle one)                    Yes                  No

 If someone was injured, please provide their name here:___________________________            

 Please briefly describe the dangerous behavior. Where did it occur? What occurred? If there were injuries, please describe the extent of the injuries. Who was present at the time of the incident? Please describe any property damage: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 What interventions, if any, were implemented successfully and/or unsuccessfully at the time of the incident? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

What steps were taken, if any, to support the individual against whom the dangerous behavior was directed? 


 Have prior Dangerous Behavior Incident Reports concerning individual(s) and student been filed with the administration?      Yes                      No              Unsure

 Signature of person completing this form:   ______________________                                                 

 Date submitted to building administration:    ______________________

 Reviewed by: (Administrator)____________________________________________________                                                                       

Date Received:       ___________________________                                                    

Reviewed by (Assigned public school employee):________________________                                        

 Date received: ____________________                                                           

 Adopted: February 8, 2024

Revised: February 13, 2025