Title I Parent Involvement
School-Parent Compact:
This School-Parent Compact describes how parents, school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will develop a partnership to help children achieve high academic standards.
The teachers will:
Have high expectations and help every child develop academic independence;
Communicate with families about student progress on an ongoing basis; and
Work to support the relationship with parents and families.
Parents/guardians will:
Read to their children or encourage children to read every day (10-30 minutes);
Communicate with the teacher or the school when they have a concern; and
Take an active interest in their children’s academic progress.
The student will:
Come to school ready to learn and work hard;
Ask for help when he/she needs it; and
Bring necessary materials, completed assignments and homework.
Responsibilities of the Principal/Designee:
The principal/designee will:
Invite parents/guardians of participating children to the annual meeting and to other meetings held during the school year;
Provide an overview of the school's parent involvement policy, including the School-Parent Compact, and an opportunity to revise the policy and compact;
Provide a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment use to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet;
Give parents/guardians an opportunity to ask questions and engage in informal discussion about student achievement and school performance;
Respond to requests from parents for opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate (as appropriate) in decisions relating to the education of their children;
With the input of parents/guardians, establish a process by which an adequate representation of parents/guardians can be assured; and
Describe the process by which parents/guardians may express concerns and complaints if they are dissatisfied with Title I services;
Legal Reference: 20 U.S.C §§ 6318
Adopted: March 11, 2004
Revised: December 8, 2011, February 7, 2019