
The Yarmouth School Department has established the following policy regarding the replacement of assessments for certifying student achievement of the Learning Results.

At the end of each ranking period teachers will inform the student and the student’s parents/guardians when a student is not making adequate progress toward meeting the standards for certification of the Learning Results. These standards-based reports will give students and parents/guardians information regarding progress toward meeting the standards for the essential learning of the Learning Results.

When a teacher determines that a student is not meeting the standard, the teacher will develop a plan with the student and the student’s parents/guardians to assist the student in meeting the standard. A continuum of instructional support services is available to both teacher and student.

Following this plan of additional instruction and support the student will be allowed to replace an assessment needed to verify certification of the Learning Results. At the secondary level students may also access additional replacement opportunities by repeating a class.

Replacement of assessments must maintain the distribution of assessment types across the grade span for the content area.

Replacement assessments must be the same content cluster.

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Adopted: January 13, 2005
