2022 Hector Hebert Award ⇒ Congratulations to Maddy Corson, winner of the 2022 Hector Hebert Award! Link to presentation: https://bit.ly/34R5ZCt
Link to recorded livestream: https://bit.ly/33xtQq4
Reminder ⇒ There is no School on Monday, 1/17, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Clipper Wrap-Up Week (1/18-1/21) – End of Quarter/Semester ⇒ In order to end the quarter and semester on a positive note, during this four-day week:
- Classes end at 11:15 a.m.;
- Lunch is available at 11:15 a.m.;
- The afternoons are devoted to finishing up second quarter work;
- Teachers will request students who are incomplete in assignments/assessments that may still be turned in;
- If students are requested for the afternoon, they must stay as part of their regular school day;
- If students are not requested, they may head home.
- There are bus runs at 11:45 a.m., 2:45 p.m., and 4:30 p.m.
The Clipper Wrap-Up Week FAQ & Schedule is an essential read for families so that you know what to expect during the week of January 18 - 21. Please take a few minutes to click on the link and get ready for a strong finish to the first half of the year!
Shout Out to YHS Speech & Debate! ⇒ After many meets of playing second and sometimes even third fiddle, YHS Speech & Debate netted the season's first full-out win of congressional sweeps at last weekend’s "Frosty's Forensics" tournament. Their success was due to the incredible performances of Maddy Corson, who earned first in the Senate; Hope Cady, who earned second in her House chamber; and Sebastien Martinez, who also earned second in the other House chamber. If your child is interested in Speech & Debate, reach out to Coach John Russell: john_russell@yarmouthschools.org.
Senior “Remember When” Photographs for the Yearbook ⇒ Yearbook staff are looking for photographs of seniors when they were younger for the "Remember When" pages. Groups of students are best, not photos of one person. Thank you!
Please send digital, high resolution .jpg files to: betsy_puelle@yarmouthschools.org by Tuesday, January 25.
Good News on Covid ⇒ We rarely get to say those two things together, but since our first week back to school, when we inherited many Covid cases from interactions over the vacation, we are seeing some significant improvement! Compared to our high water marks from the week of January 3, our student absences have decreased by 40% (to a point where we are within a range that is typical for this time of year), and our student Covid cases have decreased by 45%. It felt good to get past this week's pooled testing and see those numbers go down. We continue to see increased effort and attention in those areas at school. Let’s keep it going!
Amy Bongard
Interim Principal