Second Grade
As members of Yarmouth Elementary School students work to become caring, respectful, and fair citizens.
A Responsible Classroom Citizen
Exhibits verbal self-control
Exhibits physical self-control
Respects community members
Accepts responsibility for work
Accepts responsibility for behavior
Is a collaborative worker
A Self-Directed Lifelong Learner
Is organized
Attentive during instruction
Works independently
Strives for personal best
Perseveres with challenges
Completes homework
Communicates effectively
The reading and writing report card indicators are based on end-of-year standards from the Common Core. It is common for students to still be “Developing” toward those standards midyear. Unmarked indicators have not yet been assessed.
Foundational Skills:
Reading Habits: Reads independently with stamina and engagement
Phonics: Decodes by applying grade level phonics and word analysis
Sight Words: Reads grade-appropriate high frequency words by sight
Fluency: Reads texts with accuracy and fluency at grade level
Comprehension: Comprehends texts at grade level
Narrative Reading:
Summarize: Retells major events of a story in sequence
Compare and Contrast: Identifies similarities and differences between texts that go together
Infer: Uses evidence from the text to support ideas about characters
Informational Reading:
Summarize: Identifies the main topic and supporting details
Text Features: Locates text features and uses them to comprehend the text
Analysis: Compares and contrasts important points within two texts on similar topics
Text Types and Purposes:
Narrative Writing
Structure: Writes sequenced stories with leads, transitions and endings
Development: Includes effective word choice and uses details such as feelings, actions and dialogue
Informational Writing
Structure: Organizes writing in sections to teach about a topic
Development: Includes facts, definitions, details, steps or tips about a topic
Opinion Writing
Structure: Organizes writing to share an opinion using a lead, transitions and an ending
Development: Includes details and at least two reasons to persuade a reader
Writing Process:
Planning: Generates many ideas and uses strategies to plan writing
Revising: Reviews writing to add details
Editing: Rereads writing to check for correct use of punctuation and capital letters
Spelling: Applies grade-level word study concepts and uses resources to help with spelling
Writing Habits: Writes with grade-level stamina, volume and engagement
The following goals are expected to be secure by the end of Grade 2. Please note that these are secure goals, but they are not the only concepts to which students will be exposed at this grade level. Students will have a rich curriculum, and their experiences in math will introduce them to many new concepts that will deepen over time.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
Add and subtract within 20
Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Understand place value
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract
Measurement and Data
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units
Relate addition and subtraction to length
Work with time and money
Represent and interpret data
Reason with shapes and their attributes
Basic Fact Fluency