Yarmouth educators participate in remote professional development in preparation for the 2020-2021 school year. Today's session, led by Joelle Hood, focused on social-emotional learning for all students.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Computer screen
Yarmouth's teachers are back on the job today - masked up and following physical distancing guidelines as we prepare to welcome students on September 8.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Teachers seated at staff meeting
Yarmouth Schools: Keeping you informed of our Reopening Plan with a summary overview that can be viewed here: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/290183
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Returning to Learning slide
Yarmouth School Department reopening plans for the fall of 2020 are being firmed up. Click here to access the most recent presentation and to learn more about upcoming community meetings at each school. https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/286836
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
student raising her hand
Yarmouth Schools announces its reopening plan, approved by the School Committee last night. Read all about it: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/278837
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Returning to Learning slide
Tune into the Yarmouth School Committee meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. to see Superintendent Dolloff's proposal for the reopening of schools. https://maine.zoom.us/j/91545293759?pwd=WmNJTU9WYVVHTzQ0cFgxV3I1dXdmZz09. Password: 016176
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Returning to Learning slide
Yarmouth Schools are attempting to provide a remote learning option in the fall of 2020. Parents should have received an email from Superintendent Dolloff and can read more about enrollment here: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/277496.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
VOTING DAY - Polls are open at Yarmouth High School until 8:00 p.m. today. Citizens are encouraged to cast their ballots on state and local elections and budgets.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Voting Pin
The Frank Harrison Middle School Choir performs A Million Dreams through virtual collaboration. Worth the watch! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m-URdkCCbQgrR3I8A2p0YLpxW3LGyAB9/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
School construction projects are taking shape! Read more and view some update pictures in our recent post: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/facilities-committee.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Steel erection at Yarmouth High School
The School Committee has made $250,000 in reductions to the proposed budget for next year, as directed by the Town Council. Please read more and view the list of reductions in our May 28 posting: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/budget--105.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Budget worksheet
Learn how Yarmouth Schools will be planning for the reopening of schools in the fall of 2020. https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/247734
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Empty Classroom
A letter from the Superintendent welcomes everyone back to remote learning in the Yarmouth Schools: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/237483
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
School Department Logo
Exciting progress is being made on the construction projects at all four Yarmouth school facilities. Look here for pictures and information: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/facilities-committee.
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Steel being erected
Yarmouth Schools one of three in New England to receive EPA funding to replace older school buses. Read more here: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/237365
over 4 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Yarmouth School Bus
Many are without power in Yarmouth and other communities this morning. This means some teachers and students may not be able to send or receive instructional communications. We should all simply do what we can today with the understanding that we may not hear from some teachers or students due to these outages. Another challenge, but this, too, shall pass! Everyone be safe and anticipate better days ahead.
almost 5 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Distance Learning in Yarmouth extended through the end of the school year. Read this letter from Superintendent Andrew Dolloff FMI: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/229020
almost 5 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Yarmouth School and Town playing fields, playgrounds closed until further notice: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/225614
almost 5 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Field Closure poster
School closure/distance learning extended to May 4 in Yarmouth Schools. For more details: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/224269
almost 5 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Yarmouth school closure extended to April 27. Read more here: https://www.yarmouthschools.org/article/215961
almost 5 years ago, Yarmouth Schools
Covid 19 virus