On June 14, more than 1400 voters cast their ballots to determine the outcome of the Fiscal Year 2023 School Department budget, with slightly more than 60% of voters casting an affirmative vote, approving the budget as proposed by the Town Council.
The budget of $34,414,283 represents an increase of $3,348,142 (10.1%) over the current year and includes new programming such as Pre-Kindergarten, Elementary School STEAM and World Language, and expanded English Language Learner services.
With an increase in state funding of 778,507, the impact to the local taxpayer will be 7.7% on the tax rate.
A slide deck providing an overview of the budget is provided here.
A line item accounting of the approved budget is found here.
We thank everyone who voted and will now get to work implementing the budget and the programming called for to ensure Yarmouth's students are well-served.
This is a June 14 update to an article posted on May 6.