On July 30, the Yarmouth School Committee adopted the Hybrid I model for the first month of the school year (September 8 - October 2), so long as the Maine Department of Education continues to identify Cumberland County as a "green" or "yellow" county in its school advisory system. In this model, students will be split into two cohorts and will attend school in-person two days per week while learning remotely three days per week.
An overview of the district-wide Reopening Plan is provided here. Families should make note of the change in the school calendar (students begin September 8) as well as the modified student day (High School and Middle School will run 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.; Elementary School and Rowe School will run from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.).
Face coverings and physical distancing are the greatest weapons we have against the COVID-19 pandemic. The success of the Yarmouth Schools Reopening Plan relies heavily on cooperation from all members of the school community to ensure we are keeping one another safe. Please read through the district-wide plan and be on the lookout for communications from your child's school for more detailed information.