On Thursday, August 13, Superintendent of Schools, Andrew Dolloff presented to the Yarmouth School Committee his third update of the plans to reopen schools in the fall of 2020. The "Hybrid I" plan adopted by the School Committee on July 30 will see each child attending school two days per week and participating in remote learning three days per week from September 8 through October 2. Plan implementation will look different at each school, and building principals are preparing to provide more details to families through community meetings scheduled during the week of August 17 as follows:
Monday, August 17 at 7 pm - Yarmouth Elementary School (zoom link)
Tuesday, August 18 at 7 pm - Yarmouth High School (zoom link)
Wednesday, August 19 at 7pm - Rowe School (zoom link)
Thursday, August 20 at 7 pm - Harrison Middle School (zoom link)
A community meeting will also be held on Monday, August 24 at 7 pm to discuss our plan for providing middle school and high school athletics. (zoom link)
Dr. Dolloff's slideshow presentation may be viewed here.
During the week of August 17, parents will be asked to participate in a district-wide survey regarding transportation needs, as the School Department finalizes plans for addressing Maine guidelines that limit bus capacity to on child per seat. That survey will be sent to each family in the district electronically.