On Thursday, July 16, Superintendent of Schools, Andrew Dolloff, presented to the School Committee the proposed options for reopening Yarmouth Schools in the fall. Over 100 attendees participated in the virtual meeting, with many taking advantage of the opportunity to share their thoughts and ask questions about the plan. The proposal includes reopening plans on three different levels: fully remote (in the event the Maine Department of Education and CDC determine that our region's health indicators call for a more restrictive learning environment), fully classroom-based (in the event those health indicators allow for greater in-person gatherings), and a blended model (in the event health indicators are cautionary, but not entirely restrictive). You may view the slides from the presentation here.
There will be several more opportunities for input and feedback as we continue our planning. Parents will be asked to participate in a survey during the week of July 27, providing them the opportunity to indicate their own preference for in-person or fully-remote learning. We will also be holding a School Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m. on July 30, where Dr. Dolloff will present a refined version of the reopening plan. That meeting will be held virtually, and you may attend and participate by logging in at https://maine.zoom.us/j/91545293759?pwd=WmNJTU9WYVVHTzQ0cFgxV3I1dXdmZz09 (Password: 016176). You may also participate by telephone: (1 312 626 6799 or 1 646 876 9923; Meeting ID: 915 4529 3759; Password: 016176).
Finally, we hope to make a final decision on August 13 as to the plan we will be employing based on MDOE and CDC guidance. That decision will be deliberated at a School Committee meeting on August 13 at 7:00 p.m. and will also be held virtually. You may log in at https://maine.zoom.us/j/95422391669?pwd=cE9aWjRWZGZnZEQ5Q2RaQzY5NTlJUT09 (Password: 858656). The telephone log-in for that meeting will be: 1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 (Meeting ID: 954 2239 1669; Password: 858656).
Thank you for your continued patience and support as we consider a tremendous amount of data and develop our plans for the 2020-2021 school year.