March 13, 2020

Good evening–

It has been another busy day working with local officials and reviewing information from the Maine CDC and Maine Department of Education (DOE) as we consider decisions pertaining to coronavirus.  I am writing this afternoon to confirm for you that the status of the Yarmouth Schools has not changed since last evening.  We continue to suspend student trips, performances, and competitions, limit the size of crowds at our facilities, and ensure proper cleaning of schools and buses each evening.

At this time, it is our intent to continue with the normal school schedule on Monday.  You will see some schools in southern Maine elect to close for a day of “teacher planning” as we all prepare for the likelihood of online instruction at some point.  That is not necessary in Yarmouth as our staff has been preparing for digital teaching for some time.  We will not be closing school for that purpose, and we have received neither a suggestion nor a directive from either the CDC or the DOE that we should consider closing for health reasons. 

We are paying close attention to this matter and continue to communicate with local and state officials to make the best decisions for our students, staff, and community.

Please refer to notices from our building principals for information pertaining to each school.

Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we work together to keep Maine safe and healthy.


Andrew Dolloff, Ph.D.

Superintendent of Schools