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Superintendent Dolloff sent notices to all staff and families on January 29 as a follow-up regarding the nationwide PowerSchool breach that resulted in online hackers gaining access to the personal information of students and staff at schools throughout the United States and Canada.

While we have been told by PowerSchool that they have secured the stolen information, school leaders throughout the country have been requesting that PowerSchool provide further assurance that current and former employees and students will be protected from identity theft and harm to their financial well-being.

In response to those requests, PowerSchool has engaged the services of Experian to provide free credit monitoring and identity theft protection services to all impacted individuals.  Victims with accurate, current contact information will receive an email from Experian explaining these services or may go directly to PowerSchool’s website for more information. You may also call the toll-free call center which has been set up for families and educators to learn more about Experian’s offerings (833-918-9464).

Staff and families are encouraged to take advantage of the free services being offered by Experian on PowerSchool’s behalf by accessing the website linked above.